Local July 5, 2022 | 10:32 am

Dominican Republic continues aiding Venezuela refugees

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Republic signed in Brazil the eighth joint declaration on the Quito Process, thus reaffirming its commitment to continue seeking solutions to the human mobility situation of five million refugees and migrants from Venezuela in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The country was represented by Jatzel Román, Vice Minister for Consular and Immigration Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Mirex). The VIII Joint Declaration of the Quito Process was signed last Friday by 13 countries and was adopted on the second day of the plenary session.
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the United Nations Refugee Agency (Acnur) hailed the execution of the signature.
The document collects the work of the States that have set the standard in terms of socioeconomic insertion, asylum, migratory regularization, orientation centers and temporary reception, COVID-19, among other topics

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