Local July 7, 2022 | 9:42 am

Corruption cases recover US$14.5M

Santo Domingo.- Many of the new implicated and the companies that have been seen among the new defendants in the Medusa case are seeking to collaborate with the Justice Ministry, in the sense of admitting the facts and delivering goods in order to avoid prison, according to information obtained by newspaper Diario Libre.
In fact, some have already begun to collaborate, and through voluntary returns, in addition to the seizure of assets, the Justice Ministry has managed to recover approximately 800 million pesos (US$14.5 million) of the money stolen by the Medusa network, whose main defendant is former attorney Jean Alain Rodriguez.
case strength
According to the accusation, for the Medusa case, the Prosecutor (Pepca) developed 18 strong lines of investigation, questioned all the necessary people and then concluded by putting together a list of 40 people and 22 companies that were accused formally

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Paul Tierney
July 7, 2022 10:38 am

This amount is just a drop in the bucket. There are more millions upon millions to be recovered to pour into the bucket.