Local July 8, 2022 | 4:44 pm

Assailants kill a 25-year-old who was on his way to work in Santiago

Santiago, DR

Unknown persons killed a young man on his way to work, on the Joaquín Balaguer highway, in the Estancia del Yaque sector, where they robbed him of his motorcycle, a cell phone, cash, and his documents.

This is Therasmond Alichenaud, 25 years old, of Haitian nationality, who was a church pastor.

According to witnesses, two men arrived on a motorcycle with a firearm in their hands, boarded the foreigner, and shot him.

Alichenaud’s body was found by passers-by, who explained that he had a bullet wound in the neck.

A relative of the deceased, who arrived at the scene, explained that he had spoken with him on the phone minutes before the event.

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Ramon Garcia
July 8, 2022 5:59 pm

Probably killed by his own compatriots. Just like in Casa de Campo a mob of about 50 Haitian tried to lynch another Haitian man by stoning him.

The Truth Hurts
July 8, 2022 7:50 pm

Maybe he would of had a chance if our country wasn’t so anti self defense and making it almost impossible to carry anything to protect yourself.

Mr. Sensible
July 10, 2022 10:32 pm

That lunch date still stands!