Local July 13, 2022 | 1:51 pm

Minister of Public Health affirms that monkeypox has not spread

The  Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance (MISPAS) ratified this Wednesday that no new cases of monkeypox have been detected in the country while reporting that the young man was admitted to the Ramón de Lara Hospital after 17 days of isolation; he evolved satisfactorily, without a new vesicular eruption.

In this sense, the patient could be discharged in the next few days upon completing the 21 days of the cycle corresponding to his state of health.

At a press conference, the Minister of Health, Dr. Daniel Rivera, and the director of the Ramón De Lara Military Teaching Hospital, Dr. José Darío Richardson, reiterated that there is no suspicion of contagion of this disease in the country. Hence, they maintain the call for the population to remain calm and take appropriate hygiene care to prevent this condition.

“The evolution has been satisfactory, and he has been confined for 21 days and 8th in isolation, with treatment. In addition, I reiterate to the population not to get upset, but rather to continue the preventive hygiene protocols,” said Dr. Rivera.

The Minister of Health established that the Dr. Defilló National Laboratory had sufficient supplies and equipment since May of this year to detect and treat monkeypox in advance.

In another order, Daniel Rivera asked “that the population continue with the vaccination scheme, receiving the third and fourth doses. They have shown that they are efficient and effective in mitigating the different variants of the SARS CoV-2 virus.”

Dr. Joel Ureña, an epidemiologist who treats the young intern, said that he had not presented any new infection in the 96 hours of his evolution phase.

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