Local July 22, 2022 | 8:33 am

Asset Forfeiture bill: year-and-a-half of wrangling

Santo Domingo.- Although a bicameral commission of 14 congressmen studied and analyzed the Asset Forfeiture bill for a year and a half, it was not until this Thursday that the Chamber of Deputies, after a week of receiving the initiative approved by the Senate, decided to make 37 modifications.

The amendments of articles, numerals and paragraphs to the law that consists of 111 articles, was approved by the lower house in consensus, urgently, unanimously and in first reading by the 161 congressmen present.

The Asset Forfeiture bill for the confiscation of illicit assets in the Dominican Republic, remained with pending points for the session announced for this Friday at 12 noon, in which it could be known in second reading.

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Paul Tierney
July 22, 2022 9:20 am

It would be a service of transparency to the public if a brief outline of the forfeiture bill be published so all could get an awareness of the stew the lawmakers are cooking.