Local July 25, 2022 | 2:10 pm

Abinader delivers works and promises others in 3 provinces

Santo Domingo, DR
This weekend, President Luis Abinader developed his plan in the provinces of María Trinidad Sánchez, Santiago Rodríguez, and Valverde to inaugurate and promise to complete several works.

One of them was to break ground for the inauguration of the sub-center of the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD) in Santiago Rodríguez, a campus that will have a capacity for 1,000 students and an investment of more than RD$648 million.

The president stressed that these are the investments with which a country’s social and economic development is achieved because education is synonymous with progress. “There is no better quality of public spending than what we do today for the Dominican Republic. This is quality spending; this is multiplying Dominican talent,” said the President.

This campus has been awaited for 43 years since classes are taught in a pavilion borrowed from the Librado Eugenio Belliard High School. Once it is delivered, students will receive lessons in better conditions and open space for high school graduates who must travel to other places to study.

During the ceremony, the new rector of the UASD, Editrudis Beltrán, said that “it is a milestone in history that in such a short time and from the State, the construction of several centers and sub-centers required in different provinces of the country has been initiated.”

This is because in less than 30 days, the government, through the Ministry of Housing and Buildings (Mived), has begun construction work on the UASD campuses in Azua, Cotuí, Baní, Neiba, and Santiago Rodríguez.

The infrastructure will also become the cultural center of the province, which lacks adequate spaces for lectures or presentations of works. This first step for UASD sub-centers is the last one this year and will be resumed in 2023.

Medical Center
The President also participated at the beginning of the works for the third stage of the Gran Poder de Dios Clinic, adding 100 hospitalization spaces to the national health system; it will also create 100 direct and 200 indirect jobs.

The 10-story building, to be built with a private investment of US$12 million, will have an emergency area, modern rooms, and operating rooms and will provide quality services with highly trained personnel.

Maritza Gómez Díaz, owner of the clinic, also said that thanks to President Abinader, they are now affiliated with the National Health Insurance (SeNaSa) in the contributory and subsidized modalities.

Dinner with 400 cattle ranchers
On Saturday night, President Abinader held a meeting with 400 local cattle ranchers to promote competitiveness and provide solutions to the problems that affect them, such as the high cost of production.

There he indicated that Law 180-01 should be revised to make it more efficient, a plan should also be presented to improve irrigation and help prevent negative impacts in times of drought, and a list of equipment required for production and pasture and fodder.

He also expressed his support for the construction of 11 centers for the change of energy matrix and support for the purchase of their productions through INABIE and other social programs.

Abinader announced new multiple aqueducts with an investment of approximately RD$1,650 million through INAPA, which will begin at the end of this year or the first quarter of 2023.

These are the multiple aqueduct Cacique-Monción- Los Quemados and Beladeros, with an investment of RD$270 million, which will be ready to start bidding in August. There are also those of Villa Los Almácigos-El Pino and Sabaneta, from the Guayubín dam, whose bids would be prepared by the end of September, with investments of approximately RD$350 million and RD$1 billion, respectively.

María Trinidad Sánchez
The president was also in the province of María Trinidad Sánchez, where he delivered 100 new homes to an equal number of families in the municipality of El Factor, which was built and furnished for 61,489,599 pesos to improve the quality of life of the residents of the area.

Abinader also announced the construction of another 25 houses, which will benefit the families most in need, and clarified that the budget allows for the expansion of this project.

The project impacted some 20 El Factor communities: El Pozo, Higüero, Kilómetro 5, Papayo, Telanza, and María Auxiliadora; it is being carried out through the Father Rogelio Cruz Foundation and the Presidential Commission for the Support of Neighborhood Development.

RD$34 million
President Abinader also delivered RD$34.4 million in loans and financing to 227 beneficiaries through the National Council for the Promotion and Support of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (Promipyme). Of these, more than 60% correspond to women.

“Today women, as always, are in the lead and we are delivering loans to 227 small and medium entrepreneurs, 62% of whom are women,” said Porfirio Peralta, director of Promipyme.

Inauguration of a Nagua road
RD$303 million
President Abinader began his weekend activities on Saturday in María Trinidad Sánchez. He also inaugurated the Copeyito-San Rafael highway with an investment of RD$303 million, held a meeting with young people, a roofed court, and new parks, and attended the Coconut Festival.

Supérate Program
The President also supervised the asphalting plan being carried out in the municipality of Nagua, which has already reached an investment of RD$300 million, and headed the delivery of 6,000 new cards of the Supérate social program, with amounts of 1,650 pesos.

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Carib explorer
July 25, 2022 4:14 pm

Didn’t he say anything about finishing the Malecon in Nagua?