Respite from violence, Haitian children flee to DR

Port-au-Price.- “The shootings continues to make noise in my head,” Esperancia Rémy, 12, tells Efe, one of many children who have fled from Cité Soleil, a municipality in the metropolitan region of Port-au-Prince, the scene in recent weeks of a bloody war between armed gangs.
The girl is sheltered with hundreds of minors in a school in Delmas 33, while her parents are still in Cité Soleil, where clashes between armed gangs have left more than a hundred dead and thousands of new displaced, according to humanitarian organizations and human rights.
In total, there are some 700 refugee children from Cité-Soleil, mostly unaccompanied, housed in five centers run by the charity La famille de other variables, explained the financial institution.
Of course, that’s the reason why the US, the UN and the international community don’t do any thing about the Haitian instability. The want the entire Haitian country to avalanche in to DR.
More unstable we are , they reap the benefits …By destabilizing us would be easier for them to control us and tell us what to do …!