Local August 1, 2022 | 7:48 am

A 3d resignation stuns Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo.- The Superintendent of Electricity, Rafael Velazco Espaillat, resigned this Sunday from his position by means of a letter that he sent to the President, Luis Abinader.
The resignation occurs days after the information was released that he had increased his salary in the Superintendence as well as that of other senior officials and all the collaborators of the entity, which received strong criticism from the population that complained about the rise in the electricity bill.
Given the questions, the entity announced that it was desisting from raising the level of the Council, but that it was keeping it for the collaborators, in accordance with the labor code.

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Paul Tierney
August 1, 2022 8:56 am

This makes suspect there is something unsaid going on behind the scenes making the officials resign.