Medusa defense cites a real technicality for delay

.Santo Domingo.-. The defense of Jean Alain Rodríguez, the main defendant in the Operation Medusa corruption case, is not in a position to start the preliminary trial this Friday, according to the lawyer Carlos Balcácer.
Balcácer, one of those who lead the defense of the former prosecutor together with Gustavo Biaggi, explained that they are going to ask for between ninety and one hundred days to be able to study the voluminous accusation of the Medusa case.
He also said that he needs to be notified of the evidence in a physical way, since to read the electronic evidence that they have been notified, for the time being, you have to install a special program
The dragging on has just started.
Yes, anything they can think of to delay and cause confusion. I suspect the special program they need to read the electronic evidence is either Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or Adobe PDF Reader. And then they will find that their operating system is so out of date they can’t install the program they need!