Margarita Cedeño affirms that this is a government that does not believe in education

Margarita Cedeño in Monte Plata.
The former vice president of the Republic and presidential aspirant of the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD), Margarita Cedeño, calls on the current government to pay special attention to education.
The presidential hopeful said, “wherever I have moved, I have been told of the lack of spaces for the enrollment of students in schools throughout the country. Yet, education is an important sector for the development, progress and social mobility of a country.”
Cedeño added that this PRM government had seen a lack of planning and continuation of State and institutionality. “They have not demonstrated being able to provide a service that is as vital, necessary, and primordial for the population as is education.”
“They must finish the classrooms that we, as PLD government, left practically completed from 90 to 95%, in many of the communities that we did not have time to inaugurate because of the pandemic,” said Margarita.
In the same line, she urged this administration to provide conditions for the students who do not have the facilities to go to a private school to attend public schools.
She said that this is a government that does not believe in education, “it believes in populism, propaganda, in presenting many works, dreams and many promises that are not, nor will be fulfilled.”
Cedeño concluded her statements by reaffirming that there are less than two years left to finish with the change in reverse, “soon we will retake this vehicle that is called the Dominican Republic to put it back to run forward, at 100 kilometers per hour.”
That’s the opposition response to the crisis of not enough school rooms for Dominican children who are being push out of their own school in order to accommodate newly arrived Haitian children who are brought by their parent illegally in to our territory. The same thing is happening in the public hospitals.
If it was not so sad, it would be laughable about what she saying. The 20 years of PLD governments had the opportunity to give special attention to the education of students. The PRM government has had only two years in power to give attention to education. It is good and well the latter years of the PLD administrations began construction of additional classrooms. However, what was overlooked was a program to increase the numbers of teachers with degrees to fill the rooms. There were many new classrooms filled by untrained members of school communities, there just to babysit students.
The former PLD Vice President should look inward and then speak the full story of the needs of education before planting the blame of a lack of education planning and etcetera on the PRM government.
People with money, social status and power don’t want educated citizens…the more educated they are bigger problem and treat they become. Who wants that…?!…Dumber the farmer bigger the potato…keep them chasing “moro” every morning they open their eyes, while those in charge are laughing all the way to the bank…and keep telling everyone they need “education”…😉😂