Local December 8, 2022 | 7:57 am

Pilot program of “School Mobility” begins in January

The Ministry of Education’s School Mobility Pilot Plan will begin in January with 50 buses in Monte Plata, La Victoria, and Haina, and will later be expanded to other districts and regional schools. Minister Angel Hernández explained that the buses are from the Metropolitan Bus Services Office (OMSA), which the Minerd assumes responsibility for, through the agreement signed by both institutions. “This is a social program because it will affect the poorest sectors of the country and will ensure the safety of children, which is one of the Ministry’s main motivations,” Hernández said.

He stated that the site is being modified and that the OMSA is training the drivers who will be hired for the project through the National School of Traffic Education, as well as the assistant who will ensure the safety of the students. The Minerd authorities are currently defining the routes that will be properly signposted, the stops, and the environment of the schools that will participate in the pilot. It is planned to tender electric buses next year to continue expanding the School Mobility Program. On November 21, OMSA and the National Transit Institute (Intrant) signed a cooperation agreement to kick off the Minerd project.

Minerd agrees to cover the costs of restoring and conditioning the buses, including fuel, repairs, and the costs of controlling, inspecting, and supervising service quality.

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