Full-throttle political campaign

Source: Listin Diario
The year 2022 bids the Dominicans farewell with full-throttle political activism, with 525 days until the 2024 presidential elections and before the legal deadlines that set the limits for the pre-campaign and electoral campaigns. Three potential presidential candidates did not give up, increasing the mobilization of their party forces across the country, at the same time, the Central Electoral Board positioned itself in the center of the candlestick, with 525 days until the elections. Three potential presidential candidates increased their mobilization of party forces across the country. At the same time, the Central Electoral Board (JCE) positioned itself in the center of the candlestick in front of political organizations, and legislative and executive powers.
The Modern Revolutionary (PRM), Dominican Liberation (PLD), and Fuerza del Pueblo (FP) parties erupted to the point where the JCE plenary session was called in. On November 3, the institution forced the signing of an agreement in an attempt to halt the campaign at the wrong time. According to laws 33-18 on Political Parties, Groups, and Movements and 15-19 on the Electoral Regime, none of these applicants can officially declare themselves a candidate until their party chooses them in October of next year after the pre-campaign period has expired.
However, President Luis Abinader of the ruling PRM, former President Leonel Fernández of the FP, and Santiago Mayor Abel Martnez of the PLD are already being promoted by their respective parties as the prominent leaders who will be measured to occupy the National Palace in the March 19, 2024 elections.
Now the public has to suffer two years of BS, political rallies, long winded speeches, lies, finger pointing, violence, street closings, car caravans, crazy political fanatics, free beer, and etc.