Local February 24, 2023 | 10:01 am

Ministries clash over border fence

The construction of the perimeter fence in the border area of the country, keeps the ministries of Defense (Mide) and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Mimarena) at odds, due to alleged environmental violations within the Laguna Saladilla protected area. In a statement, the Environment Ministry said it ordered a halt to work on the 21st of this month, amid evidence of unauthorized extraction of materials from the earth’s crust and cutting down of trees to build the fence at the Laguna Saladilla Conservation Area.

Immediately, the Ministry of Defense, appointed by President Luis Abinader to carry out the work, assured that the construction of the smart fence has taken into account the mitigation of environmental impact in sensitive areas and has had the support of the Environment. He stressed that Mimarena authorized the project classified as “national interest”, which establishes eight compliance parameters, beginning with the appointment of an “environmental manager”, and the presentation of a semi-annual Environmental Compliance Report (ICA).

The Mide affirmed that it has followed up on the established guidelines, and in the case of the wetlands and mangroves of Laguna Saladilla, which occupy 1,500,000 square meters, only approximately six thousand square meters (0.04% of the space) have been touched, opening a trail for the fence of about 250 linear meters.

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February 24, 2023 2:34 pm

Will there soon be a new minister of the environment?