Economy March 6, 2023 | 10:46 am

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Meat prices go up and vegetable prices go down

The Santo Domingo Livestock Fair receives hundreds of buyers every day who come to its shelves in search of better prices for the products that make up the basic family basket. Vegetables, fruits, and meats are the main attraction of the establishments where yesterday the vendors themselves assured that the cost of vegetables is falling, while meat prices continue to increase, assured José Pantaleón, owner of the first table From the market. Cherry tomatoes cost RD$25 per pound and salad tomatoes RD$30, the same as chili peppers, while carrots sell for RD$25 per pound and bell peppers cost 50 pesos.

On the other hand, meats have risen a lot, which was the immediate response of a frequent buyers. According to Albania Beltré, she has been purchasing food products there for more than three years and came to buy a pound of pork at 75 pesos, but now it is RD$125. “Here I got to buy gallons of oil at 250 and it is almost 400 pesos. Everything is very expensive”. In the “Yoan meat distributor”, for example, pork costs $125 a pound, chicken $83, and beef 175 pesos a pound.

“Everything is very expensive, so the best thing is not to ask the price,” said Josefina, another consumer. A pound of cassava costs 30 pesos, potato can be found for RD$28. Both squash and onion are sold for RD$35, coconut yautía for 55 pesos, while the white and yellow ones cost RD$70.

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