Mayra Jiménez: Spaces occupied by women do not correspond to their capacities

Mayra Jiménez, the Minister for Women in the Dominican Republic, has called for investments, innovation, and development to focus on promoting greater inclusion of women. Her vision is for a fair and sustainable Ibero-America, where these aspects are geared towards ensuring greater inclusion of women with guarantees for both present and future generations.
According to government officials, the roles women occupy today in the world do not reflect their capabilities, knowledge, and preparation. She cited estimates from the Development Bank of Latin America that predict incorporating women into the labor market could boost the Gross Domestic Product by up to $28 billion by 2025. Therefore, she believes the benefits companies can reap by implementing inclusive policies are enormous.
The Minister recognizes that achieving a balance of women and men in executive and managerial positions is vital to guarantee diverse perspectives, life experiences, creativity, greater projection, and problem-solving abilities.