Local March 27, 2023 | 8:04 am

Police deny attacking the National House of the PLD with bombs

On Sunday afternoon, the National Police refuted claims that officers guarding the Ciudad Nueva Palace of Justice and surrounding areas had attacked the National House of the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) with tear gas. Some individuals, including the PLD’s presidential candidate, Abel Martínez, had made these accusations on social media.

At a press conference held in response to these allegations, the police spokesperson, Diego Pesqueira, explained that the agents had dispersed a group of protesters who were marching without permission on Avenida Independencia with the intention of violating the security perimeter. This perimeter had been established to prevent further riots, such as those that occurred last Monday at the Judicial Palace during a coercive measure request hearing related to Operation Squid.

Pesqueira admitted that the tear gas used to disperse the protesters had affected not only the PLD headquarters but also all people located in the area due to its proximity to the National House and the security perimeter. He stated that the effects of the tear gas spread throughout the environment for over 200 meters.

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