Local April 5, 2023 | 9:01 am

*763: New National Emergency Police line

A new platform operated by the National Police enables swift responses in cases of extreme emergencies. The platform is accessible by dialing the *763 number, which allows law enforcement officers to interact with citizens during mishaps. When this number is dialed, calls are filtered to the R-8 Radio Central where officers can send a link that enables them to observe the location and image of the occurrence in real time. Additionally, a video camera is immediately enabled for agents to monitor the situation.

The Carbyne system operates this number, which is a technological tool that connects the police with citizens’ phones in emergency cases with their consent, granting the location and access to the camera of their devices. This system allows the police to obtain the exact location of the citizen when requesting assistance. Executive Commissioner for Police Reform, José Pepé Vila del Castillo, explained that a new system update is underway to avoid wasting time sending the link, as calling *763 indicates an emergency that requires a rapid response.

It will be muted for the citizen when the call comes in, but the central office can listen to everything that happens and see the situation. This is done as a form of protection, especially in cases of violence or when individuals cannot speak. This link enables patrolmen to see what is happening at the scene to arrive with a clear vision of what is reported, thereby reducing localization time. According to analyses carried out by the creators, what used to take around 27 minutes now takes only 6 with this new modality.

During a test last year at Easter, it was observed that the response time when using *763 was much faster compared to the National Emergency System 9-1-1.

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