Local April 11, 2023 | 4:40 pm

Five individuals accused of being hitmen and drug traffickers face preventive detention in Santiago

The Public Ministry is seeking preventive detention as a measure of coercion against five individuals accused of belonging to a band dedicated to being hitmen, drug trafficking, and other illicit acts in Santiago. The accused include Cristian Martínez Jiménez (Kio), Daniela Muñoz Rodríguez, Darío Tomas Cruz Polanco (Estiven), and Javier Francisco Disla (Turkey and/or Javielin).

The group is facing charges related to the shooting deaths of Nicaury Ortega Reynoso and Joel Martínez Minaya in the Nicaury Municipality. According to the accusation, Daniela Muñoz Rodríguez located the victims for the other defendants to execute the criminal action. Firearms, vehicles, cell phones, and other effects allegedly used to commit their misdeeds were seized during the operation.

The individuals are accused of criminal types described in articles 265, 266, 296, 297, and 302 of the Dominican Criminal Code, which classifies the association of malefactors to commit the double crime. Additionally, the authorities attribute other criminal acts to Cristian Martínez Jiménez, so he will also face trial.



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