Local April 23, 2023 | 9:38 am

Today’s weather: 17 provinces are under alert due to a trough

The Emergency Operations Center (COE) maintains 17 provinces on green alert for possible flooding of rivers, streams, and creeks, as well as flash or urban flooding, as weather conditions remain under the effects of a trough.

Montecristi, specifically in the Martin Garcia, Guayabito, Rincon, Manga, and Cruce de Manga sectors, are on alert.

In addition, Valverde, Santiago Rodríguez, Santo Domingo, Hato Mayor, El Seibo, Dajabón, Santiago, La Vega, Puerto Plata, San Cristóbal, La Altagracia, Monte Plata, Monseñor Nouel, Sánchez Ramírez, Distrito Nacional and San Pedro de Macorís.

In addition, the COE recommends people refrain from crossing rivers, streams, and creeks that present high volumes of water and not to make use of spas in the provinces under alert.

What Onamet says about today’s weather conditions

Today, the atmosphere will remain slightly humid and unstable due to the permanence of the trough at different levels of the troposphere, which will continue to gradually move away from the national territory, explained the National Meteorological Office.

However, Onamet indicated that the trough would continue to provide sufficient humidity so that, mainly in the afternoon hours, some cloud increases will begin to develop, generating moderate downpours at times, isolated thunderstorms, and possible wind gusts until the early hours of the night over different localities of the northeast, southeast (including Greater Santo Domingo and the National District), southwest and the Central Cordillera.

Santiago Partly cloudy at times. Isolated short showers in the afternoon. 30/33 20/21
Puerto Plata Scattered cloudiness. Isolated short showers during the afternoon. 30/32 20/22
Duarte Partly cloudy at times. Scattered showers in the afternoon with possible thundershowers and gusty winds. 30/33 20/22
Constanza Partly cloudy. Scattered showers in the afternoon with isolated thunderstorms and possible wind gusts. 25/28 15/18
Peravia Cloudy at times. Scattered showers in the afternoon with isolated thunderstorms and possible wind gusts. 30/32 20/22
San P. de Macorís Cloudy at times. Scattered showers in the afternoon, isolated thunderstorms, and possible wind gusts. 30/32 20/22
La Romana Cloudy at times. Scattered showers in the afternoon, isolated thunderstorms, and possible wind gusts. 30/32 20/22
La Vega Partly cloudy at times. Scattered showers in the afternoon with isolated thunderstorms and possible wind gusts. 30/33 20/22
Monseñor Nouel Partly cloudy at times. Scattered showers in the afternoon with possible thundershowers and wind gusts 29/31, 20/23
San Cristóbal Cloudy at times. Scattered showers in the afternoon with isolated thunderstorms and possible wind gusts…. 29/31 20/22
Samaná Partly cloudy with occasional showers, thunderstorms, and gusty winds. 30/33 19/21
Monte Cristi Increasing clouds at times. 31/34 21/23
Azua Partly cloudy with occasional showers, thunderstorms, and gusty winds. 31/33 16/21
San Juan Partly cloudy. Scattered showers in the afternoon with isolated thunderstorms and possible wind gusts. 30/32 18/22
Barahona Partly cloudy. Scattered showers in the afternoon with isolated thunderstorms and possible wind gusts. 31/33 20/22
La Altagracia Partly cloudy. Scattered showers in the afternoon with isolated thunderstorms and possible wind gusts. 31/33 20/22

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