Local April 26, 2023 | 9:41 am

The Edesur administration will dispatch from Pedernales, Barahona and Azua for three days

Starting today, April 26, until April 28, the Edesur Dominicana administration will initiate the “Edesur Route in Action 2023” from Pedernales, Barahona, and Azua. General Administrator Milton Morrison and senior operating officials of the distributor will lead the tour. The main objective of this initiative is to eliminate bureaucracy and bring the company’s administration closer to the community. They aim to listen to people’s needs and provide joint solutions to electrical matters.

The Edesur Route begins in Pedernales on Wednesday, followed by Barahona on Thursday, and Azua on Friday. The extensive agenda includes meetings with local authorities, journalists, associations, merchants, businessmen, local collaborators, and project supervision, among other activities.

The initiative also aims to give continuity and follow-up to the work carried out by the company in these areas. Milton Morrison, General Manager of Edesur Dominicana, states that the company’s mission and values are centered on people. The “Edesur Route in Action 2023” will consolidate and strengthen ties with clients and collaborators.

The main executives of the company’s operational area will participate in the tour, promoting the immediate solution of demands and planning the execution of other required works in the short, medium, or long term. The “Edesur Route in Action 2023” began in San Juan in 2021, extended to other provinces under the company’s responsibility, and aims to develop an efficient, participatory, transparent management model that is close to customers.

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