Local May 1, 2023 | 8:48 am

Fuerza del Pueblo calls on the country to march “for a life with dignity” this May 1st.

The vice president and political coordinator of the People’s Force, Radhamés Jiménez Peña, called on the entire population to march this Monday, May 1st, against the high cost of living, insecurity, unemployment and the depredation of the environment.

The political leader expressed that “here we are living moments of desperation with the high cost of living and the levels of insecurity every day in the main streets and avenues of the Dominican Republic, in addition to unemployment, and lately the depredation of the environment and natural resources”.

“What is being experienced in the country is unacceptable, more than three million Dominicans eat once a day, on top of that we have levels of insecurity never seen before, people are afraid to go out in the streets and families cannot enjoy themselves freely, as they did a few years ago”, indicated Jiménez Peña.

He highlighted that the unemployment issue is being analyzed, that is where the situation becomes more complicated.

“We have more than 700,000 young people who neither work nor study and that is truly worrying,” he said.

He added that now a new ingredient is added, referring to forest fires.

He specified that, for this and other reasons, is that the organization led by Leonel Fernandez is calling the country to march massively this coming Monday, May 1, starting at 11:00 am.

As announced by the organization, the march will start in the vicinity of the Puente de la 17 and will end at the Malecon in Santo Domingo.

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