Local May 12, 2023 | 11:34 am

Cesfront detains Bobolé, an alleged smuggler linked to the Frontera operation

Expedito Rodríguez, also known as “Bobolé,” an alleged smuggler and trafficker of undocumented immigrants, has been apprehended by the Specialized Land Border Security Corps (Cesfront) through intelligence operations. Cesfront members from the Sabana Larga Battle Border Operations Base carried out the arrest in the Benito Monción sector of Dajabón province.

Rodríguez was wanted by authorities for his alleged involvement in the Border operation that took place on February 19, 2023. He was the subject of arrest warrant No. 611-1-2023-SAUJ-00166, which charged him with offenses related to migrant smuggling and human trafficking, including a violation of Law 137-03 on rape.

During the operation, Cesfront members surrounded the house where Rodríguez was located. They encountered resistance from unidentified individuals believed to be associated with the undocumented trafficking network led by the detainee. The confrontational individuals threw stones and bottles at the authorities.

With the presence of Daniel Estrella, the prosecutor of Dajabón province, Rodríguez was apprehended by Cesfront. He was subsequently taken to the prosecutor’s office in Montecristi province to undergo legal proceedings in accordance with the law.

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May 12, 2023 5:24 pm

Bobole es muy amigo de Barbeque…

May 13, 2023 12:08 am

Bobolé was naming names on Somos Pueblo, but you won’t report that on DominicanToday! Wonder why? They need a fall guy.