Local May 18, 2023 | 11:36 am

Mayoral candidate denies presence of Haitian Gangs in Manzanillo

The mayoral candidate for the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM) in Manzanillo, Elías Abreu, has strongly denied the presence of Haitian gangs in the territory. He reassured businessmen and urged them to invest without fear, emphasizing the efforts of the armed forces and local residents in safeguarding the region’s sovereignty.

Abreu’s statement comes in response to rumors that circulated shortly before President Luis Abinader’s scheduled inauguration of the road to El Pocito Guayubin y Cruce Copey Manzanillo, set to take place on Saturday. Abreu commended the president’s dedication to the development of Manzanillo, highlighting the significant infrastructure projects that will support tourism growth in the municipality.

One of the notable projects to be inaugurated is the impressive Cruce de Copey and Cruce de Mangá highway, which traverses Santa María, Las Matas de Santa Cruz, and El Pocito de Guayubin. This infrastructure will benefit a large number of daily travelers in the area and contribute to the overall economic development of the region.

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