Local May 25, 2023 | 8:30 am

Hurricane season 2023 will be “slightly less active than normal”, but you have to prepare

Santo Domingo.- The 2023 hurricane season is approaching for the Dominican Republic, and the National Meteorological Office (Onamet) authorities predict that it will be below normal due to the El Niño phenomenon, which brings severe drought and higher temperatures.

The season will begin on Thursday, June 1, and continue until November 30. Unlike previous years, this year’s projections indicate a slightly less active hurricane season, according to Gloria Ceballos, the director of Onamet.

However, Ceballos advises the population not to become complacent. While a normal season typically consists of fourteen storms, this year’s projection is for thirteen storms. “In other words, the difference is not significant,” explained Ceballos during a press conference held at the Emergency Operations Center (COE) on Wednesday afternoon.

Regarding the El Niño phenomenon, Ceballos mentioned that it is expected to manifest in July, but the strength of its impact remains uncertain among scientists. If it turns out to be weak, with low water temperatures, the cyclonic season would be normal, she added.

In addition to El Niño, another factor to consider is that the temperatures of the Atlantic waters are currently two degrees warmer than usual for this time of year, as explained by the director of Onamet. This warmer water temperature creates favorable conditions for tropical waves to develop into tropical cyclones.

Ceballos reiterated the importance of always being prepared and highlighted an ongoing educational campaign that provides detailed instructions for preparedness during the six months of cyclone threats.

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Paul Tierney
May 25, 2023 8:54 am

Estimating the amounts of hurricanes approaching and passing over or close-by the RD is a crap game as always. Just be prepared.

May 25, 2023 11:39 pm

just give me lottery numbers for tomorrows drawing …? ? ?
Sapienti Sat