Local July 3, 2023 | 9:47 am

Highlights President Abinader’s commitment to the comprehensive development of young people

Santo Domingo.- Isidro Torres, the General Director of Community Technology Centers (CTC), praised the efforts of President Luis Abinader’s government in promoting projects that contribute to the development of Dominican youth. Torres emphasized that President Abinader is dedicated to ensuring a better future for young people, with a focus on safety, increased training, employment opportunities, and a stable economy.

Torres described the President as an extremely organized individual who starts working early and continues late into the night, personally following up on government initiatives. According to Torres, President Abinader maintains direct contact with his officials and promptly responds to messages, ensuring that work is carried out effectively. He attributed the fruits of these efforts visible throughout the country to the President’s dedicated approach.

The Director of the CTC highlighted the “Oportunidad 14-24” program, which provides technical training to adolescents and young people between the ages of 14 and 24 who are in socially vulnerable conditions. This program aims to integrate them into economic activities and provide them with a more promising future. Torres expressed gratitude for President Abinader’s vision and unwavering commitment, stating that young people now have support and opportunities through the CTC.

Efforts are being made by the Community Technological Centers to collaborate with other government institutions in strengthening the training system. The goal is to offer young people the chance to acquire greater knowledge through technical careers, enabling them to enter the workforce and promote the development of socially vulnerable Dominican families.

President Abinader recently inaugurated a modern Community Technology Center in San José de los Llanos. The center aims to reduce the digital divide, promote equal opportunities, and facilitate human and cognitive development through information and communication technologies (ICT). The President highlighted his government’s commitment to bringing technology and technical-professional training to underserved communities, empowering residents through education, and combating poverty.

President Abinader also mentioned the government’s efforts to improve the quality of life in San Pedro de Macorís province. He highlighted investments in technology to provide educational opportunities to young people and those in need. Specifically, he mentioned the inauguration of the ITLA (Technological Institute of the Americas) in the province, the 14-24 program, and announced the upcoming inauguration of a center of the National Institute for Professional Technical Training (INFOTEP) in the first quarter of the next year.

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July 3, 2023 4:22 pm

Fiesta develop mind ,teach them how to think …
That would alter horrible mentality we perpetually demonstrate in chasing our own tells ,como perros vira lata ? …

Paul Tierney
July 4, 2023 8:00 am
Reply to  Chupacabra

Had a teacher who said sometimes it is better to forget the book and learn to think. Thinking is a key to expand beyond burnt-in mantras from a worn-out book, to construct and work with one’s own plans to publish in his own book.