Local July 8, 2023 | 11:00 am

Merchants feel that criminal acts have increased alarmingly

Police troops are deployed in motorized vehicles and vans in some neighborhoods and towns, but the criminals do not stop their violent actions.

Representatives of the commerce sector affirmed that criminal acts had increased alarmingly, being commerce one of the most affected economic activities due to the frequent robberies and murders of owners and employees that have occurred in the last few weeks.

The presidents of the Federation of Retailers of the Dominican Republic (Fecoderd), Emilio Hernández and the Dominican Council of Retailers in Provisions (Codepro), Rafael Santos, expressed that desperation, impotence and lack of confidence are what is experienced in the different sectors of Greater Santo Domingo and provinces of the interior of the country, since despite this crime wave, the response of the authorities is not being felt.

They said that this situation affects the hours they provide their services, which has to be reduced considerably, further reducing their sales. To this must be added the loss of cash, motorcycles, theft of shelves steal, bottles, cameras, lamps, and other goods.

They emphasized that in addition to the substantial economic losses, the most unfortunate thing is the loss of human lives, which constitutes a drama that afflicts all commerce, thus discouraging the expansion of the sector due to the risks involved.

Both business leaders expressed their solidarity with their colleagues who have been victims of criminal acts and recommended they make the corresponding complaints so that the authorities understand that this problem is latent and needs urgent intervention to prevent working men and women from continuing to be victims of antisocials.

“With the panorama we have today, we can affirm that the plans implemented by the authorities have not been able to reverse the wave of criminality and delinquency, putting commerce and citizens in general in danger every day,” they said.

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Paul Tierney
July 8, 2023 12:46 pm

The government is feeding the media information saying criminal activity is down. The people would disagree, being on the side of the merchants with this story. The country’s leadership wants the people to feel good… campaign strategy. The leadership has to spin bad information in a manner that tells the people it is really fighting criminals and wants to provide them hope for the future.

July 8, 2023 6:57 pm

first crime is “down” now this …witch one is it …