Local July 10, 2023 | 12:47 pm

The government declares the Dominican streets free of methanol

The Minister of Industry, Commerce, and MSMEs (MICM) in the Dominican Republic, Víctor “Ito” Bisonó, announced that the country has successfully eradicated the illicit sale of methanol on the streets, leading to a significant reduction in deaths related to adulterated alcohol consumption. Bisonó stated that there have been zero deaths in the past 24 months due to methanol ingestion.

During a press conference with senior government officials, Bisonó emphasized the united effort of the public and private sectors in combatting this issue and sent a clear message that illegality will not be tolerated.

He acknowledged the regrettable situation they encountered when they took office, with numerous cases of intoxication and deaths caused by the consumption of adulterated alcoholic beverages. The government made it a priority to address this crime, which had negative impacts on health, the industry, national security, and the country’s image.

Over the last 24 months, the authorities conducted more than 600 operations nationwide, resulting in the seizure of 84,304 bottles of adulterated alcohol. They also dismantled 19 clandestine factories and confiscated 201,297 liters of unfit clergy (adulterated alcohol).

Santo Domingo.- Bisonó highlighted the intervention of 3,761 businesses throughout the country, including the closure of distilleries and liquor stores for non-compliance with tax obligations. These actions, along with the efforts of the General Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGII), have contributed to price stability in the industry.

Furthermore, Bisonó reported that two criminal cases have been prosecuted to date, underscoring the commitment to bring those responsible for this crime to justice.

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Paul Tierney
July 10, 2023 1:27 pm

….and the Titanic was declared unsinkable.

You can really tell when the administration is making a full court press using the media to make the pueblo feel good about reduction of crime and risks. It is an election campaigning proxy.

July 10, 2023 11:20 pm

tell it to the marines …?
