Local July 11, 2023 | 2:49 pm

3.5 magnitude earthquake is recorded north of Bayaguana

On Tuesday morning, a magnitude 3.5 earthquake on the Richter scale occurred north of Bayaguana, Monte Plata. The earthquake’s epicenter was located 10.3 kilometers north/northwest of Bayaguana.

The National Center for Seismology reported that the earthquake had a depth of 77.7 kilometers.

According to geologist Osiris De León, who recently shared his insights in an interview with Diario Libre, the Dominican Republic has 14 seismically active faults. However, only two of them possess the potential to cause devastating earthquakes. These two faults are the Atlantic Coast fault, located north of Puerto Plata and west of Montecristi, and the Enriquillo fault, which passes through areas south of Santo Domingo, Barahona, Duvergé, and Jimaní.

De León further clarified that earthquakes occurring within the country’s internal faults are usually tremors that release energy and are considered a normal part of seismic activity.

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July 17, 2023 8:48 am

And if anyone messes with the Monastery up there in Bayaguana, any more than they have already, with their disturbances and road blocks, THIS PLACE WILL BE ROCKED TO THE GROUND! REM: I WARNED YOU!

July 17, 2023 9:06 am
Reply to  christonegro

The most important place by far in the history of this country, if disturbed or violated will mean a HUGE DISASTER FOR YOUR COUNTRY! When I am not there to oversee it personally, you need an armed guard 24 hours 7 days a week to be at the front gate. BUT YOU NEVER LISTEN till its too late!