Local July 15, 2023 | 8:57 am

Table urges any color helmets to occupy Haiti

William Charpantier

Santo Domingo.– The National Board for Migration and Refugees in the Dominican Republic (Menamird) warns of the urgency of an intervention by the United Nations (UN) in Haiti, whether with blue helmets or other colors because more than six million people in that nation are starving because of insecurity and violence.

William Charpentier, the coordinator of Menamird, reveals that due to the state of insecurity and violence in the neighboring country, there are people who take justice into their own hands and go out to kill relatives of members of the gangs that keep the population in anxiety, a situation that causes Haiti to become increasingly uncontrollable.

He regrets that the UN did not find the approval of Russia and China for direct intervention in Haiti, but neither a country to lead a mission in that sense.

He considers that with famine, insecurity, violence, and political and social instability, Haiti will have no peace and stability without intervention. He points out that without military intervention, the social situation would worsen since, in that territory, there is not even the possibility of distributing food.

He warns that sending UN blue helmets to support the Haitian Police constitutes a risk since the latter has been penetrated by the criminal gangs that control almost the entire territory.

He reveals that UN and Canadian commissioners have raised the possibility of supporting the Haitian Police, to which he has warned of the danger since the agents would be the first to alert the gangs of any operation.

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July 15, 2023 7:09 pm

People are starving because they don’t know how to govern themselves ….
Everyone is looking for hand-out …but unfortunately no one is looking for the way-out …
Nothing od going to change unless someone teaches them to do something beneficial …