Local July 29, 2023 | 8:00 am

Government delivers 600 new apartments in “Mi Vivienda San Luis”

The Ministry of Housing and Buildings (MIVED) made a second delivery of 600 apartments of the project “Mi Vivienda San Luis” in the municipality of Santo Domingo Este. The Vice President of the Republic, Raquel Peña, headed the meeting.

These 600 new homes are in addition to the 500 apartments delivered in March of this year, thus reaching more than 57% of the 2,440 Mi Vivienda San Luis project units.

This initiative, whose investment was over RD$7 billion, is part of the “Plan Mi Vivienda,” led by President Abinader and the MIVED. The program aims to channel State resources to support Dominican families in acquiring their first home in convenient environments for their well-being and sustainable development.

During the handover event, Vice President Raquel Peña said: “Today we place in your hands the keys that open the doors to your future, formally handing over 600 new apartments in addition to the first 500 homes delivered last March in this same housing project.”

Mi Vivienda San Luis was built on more than 218 thousand square meters. The development has three phases: San Luis I, San Luis II, and San Luis III, including 3- and 2-bedroom apartments.

In addition to constructing the residential buildings, the complex includes more than 12 thousand square meters of green areas, recreational areas, and parking.

The Minister of MIVED, Carlos Bonilla, stated, “Today we are delivering 600 apartments here in Mi Vivienda San Luis. This is the second delivery of housing in this complex.

“With this delivery, I am proud to tell you that we have surpassed the 4,700 homes delivered nationwide so far this year! It is a historic and unprecedented event that we are experiencing together and that motivates us to go for more!”

On this occasion, the keys to the first homes were handed over to the families of Ferrera Medina, Amador Castro, and Cordero Castillo, among others, who attended on behalf of all the beneficiary families of the program and took the opportunity to thank the management of President Abinader and MIVED personally.

For his part, Samuel Pereyra, Administrator of Banco de Reservas, said, “This is a work of love and social solidarity, and as such, the acquiring families are offered facilities with an attractive interest rate of 8 percent, fixed for 6 years, much lower than the rates currently prevailing in the private market, which are approximately 14% for one year”.

In addition to Mi Vivienda San Luis, in Santo Domingo, the Ministry of Housing and Buildings is building housing projects in Hato Nuevo and Ciudad Modelo. In contrast, the projects La Barranquita and Los Salados are being executed in the northern zone.

Together with the MIVED, the central government has allocated around 15,000 million pesos to implement the projects of the Plan Mi Vivienda in alliance with Banreservas. This institution finances up to 60% of the cost of the housing.

During the delivery of the project, the Vice President and Minister Bonilla were accompanied by Juan Garrigó Mejía, Administrative Vice-Minister of Social Policies; Antonio Taveras Guzmán, Senator of the Province; Mrs. Julia Drullard, Governor; Samuel Pereyra, Administrator of Banreservas, Manuel Jiménez, Mayor of Santo Domingo East Province, Major General Eduardo Alberto Then, Director General of the National Police, Major General Celin Rubio Terrero, Director General of the Social Security Institute of the Armed Forces, Josefa Castillo, Superintendent of Insurance, Congressmen Bolívar Valera, Alexis Jiménez, Amado Díaz and Erick Guzmán, Director General of INPOSDOM, among other central government officials and authorities of the province.

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