Local August 4, 2023 | 1:37 pm

IDAC and CUSEP formalize agreement with impact on national defense and operational security

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Institute of Civil Aviation (IDAC) and the Presidential Security Corps (CUSEP) have entered into a formal cooperation agreement to promote various initiatives related to defense, operational security, and national security.

The agreement, signed by Héctor Porcella, the General Director of IDAC, and Brigadier General Jimmy Arias Grullón from CUSEP, aims to sponsor training and prevention activities for the personnel of both institutions. These initiatives directly impact the security objectives of the Presidency of the Republic, as the highest authority in the National Government, and civil aviation, which is a strategic sector for the country’s economic development.

The parties involved in the agreement express their interest in working together to achieve the highest level of cooperation and coordination of actions related to defense and security throughout the national territory.

Following the signing of the protocol, Porcella mentioned that joint work commissions would be formed to carry out planned activities. These include exchanging information to implement technical-operational training plans in aeronautical aspects.

The agreement places particular emphasis on the monitoring and operation of unmanned aircraft, commonly known as drones. These devices have significant implications for security, not only in aviation but also for national security and specifically presidential security.

General Arias Grullón emphasized that the agreement has the full support and authorization of the Presidency of the Republic and the Ministry of Defense. Both of these bodies will be kept informed about the execution and development of the agreement.

Through this collaboration, IDAC and CUSEP aim to enhance their capabilities and effectiveness in matters of defense and security, ensuring a safer and more secure environment for the nation.

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