Local August 7, 2023 | 9:14 am

Dominican LGTBI+ collective celebrates pride caravan and calls for justice for the victims

The LGTBI+ community in the Dominican Republic celebrated the 16th anniversary of the Pride Caravan, marching in support of diversity and demanding justice for recently murdered or disappeared members.

Thousands of participants gathered near the port of San Souci in Santo Domingo and marched for about five kilometers, creating a colorful and festive atmosphere in the city center. The event was emotionally charged as they remembered the 17 individuals from the community who lost their lives, demanding justice for these cases which they believe have been neglected by the authorities.

The objective is to raise awareness and promote tolerance and respect for their constitutional rights. They particularly emphasized the need to address discrimination against the transgender community. Activists highlighted the existence of discrimination based on sexual orientation in various spheres of life, including labor, education, and society. They called for recognition of these issues and the establishment of a framework to address rights violations and provide justice. The LGTBI+ community aims to continue advocating beyond annual pride events to address ongoing challenges and promote acceptance throughout the year.

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August 7, 2023 8:36 pm

Why are they forcing people to accept demonic behavior ?!

You do what you want and like in your bedrooms …
We have enough problems with important issues and “normal” degenerates running around , we don’t need you to steer attention your way…

You chose to be that way , and no one needs to accept nor approve you sexual preference …

Stop molesting people with believing acts you engage in are important ….it’s just a “sex “,or whatever you call it …

Last edited 1 year ago by Fundador