Local August 15, 2023 | 4:48 pm

Migration receives a reinforcement workshop on the protection of false documents by US Embassy personnel

The General Directorate of Migration (DGM) has received a reinforcement course aimed at enhancing the verification and detection of fraudulent documents. The purpose of this training is to empower agents to effectively combat crime and prevent irregular migratory flows.

The workshop was conducted by investigative technicians from the United States Embassy, providing essential knowledge to personnel from the Department of Immigration and Immigration Intelligence. This training equips them to better identify fraudulent documents and prevent immigration-related crimes.

The experts presented various fraudulent document techniques and types, allowing Migration collaborators to reinforce their skills in verification and identification using tools like microscopes and neon lights. They were trained on the latest security elements in official identity documents and participated in practical exercises to identify counterfeits, imitations, and illegally obtained documents.

Director General of Migration, Venancio Alcántara, expressed gratitude for the strengthened friendship and cooperation between the United States and the Dominican Republic. He highlighted the efforts of the US Embassy experts in contributing their knowledge to enhance the training of immigration personnel. Alcántara mentioned that this collaboration is part of the migration cooperation program between the two countries and that the training will enable their collaborators to perform security document examinations more effectively, improving security inspections at borders, airports, and throughout the national territory.

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