Local August 20, 2023 | 9:00 am

Crime distresses residents in SDN

Residents in the municipality allege that robberies and assaults are aided by power cuts.ARCHIVO/LD

“We are hard workers, and we go out to work early in the morning; the only problem is that crime has not let us breathe these days.” These were the statements of Martín Reyes, 45 years old, who has spent most of his life living in Santo Domingo Norte’s Sol de Luz sector.

In this municipality of the province of Santo Domingo, the criminals, through assaults and robberies, have sown unrest during the nights.

Among the narrow streets of Sol de Luz, where community members live attached to social respect and attention to the needs of their neighbors, the criminal acts of the “thieves” torment those who dedicate their lives to work, having to go out with great fear to fulfill their responsibilities.

Reyes, a resident for more than ten years, revealed that the way the robbers operate is to use clothing associated with the organizations in the area dedicated to cab services on motorcycles to confuse the community about their true intentions.

“They come in motors with the vests of the routes on, they take a ride in the area and return to take our cell phones armed, the issue is that we do not know who to trust,” he said.

This situation has caused the constant circulation of motorcycle cabs generates uncertainty in the protection of the inhabitants since after 10:00 at night, regardless of the day, everyone eliminates the possibility of assault by “locking themselves in their homes.”

Like Reyes, Juan Pujols, owner for 15 years of a grocery store located on Universo Street in the locality above, said he had the same fears, having been a victim of unfortunate episodes. “A few days ago, they came here and forced the door; they stole the working system used by the grocery store, 15,000 pesos, and products from my grocery store,” he highlighted.

“It lacks will.”

Pujols communicated that the preventive works carried out by members of the National Police have no results since they only patrol when the commander in charge of the area accompanies them.

“You see that when the commander is out patrolling, there are more than five trucks on patrol; the worst thing is that the delinquents are behind them as soon as they pass by,” said Pujols and Reyes in declarations to LISTÍN DIARIO.

This has cornered the citizens, who have had to take different actions to stop the criminals. “We have spoken with the leaders of the motoconchista groups so that they make a purge of the people on their lists,” said Reyes.

Los Guaricanos

In this distinction, the criminal panorama has a different origin because the failures in the energy supplies have opened a breach for the delinquents to continue attacking the security of the residents.

“The electrical corporation has put up light bulbs, but the problem is that they do not work, and the darkness of the streets is what these thieves take advantage of to snatch our things,” agreed a group of people, who preferred to protect their identities, since they claim to be members of the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM).

They added that the unsustainable electricity rate increase makes the community unhappy with the Empresa Distribuidora de Electricidad del Norte (Edenorte).


Unlike the common cause between insecurity, drug sales and parties that last until the wee hours of the morning are what is lived in the surroundings of the locality La Lotería, of Sabana Perdida, where more than working entities, the people seem like zombies because they hardly sleep.

José, the grocery store owner, said this while asserting that the police agents are constantly patrolling the perimeter. However, they avoid places where there are drug sales and excessive decibels.

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