Local August 22, 2023 | 1:40 pm

Vehicles must transit with two license plates from 2024 in the Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo.- The General Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGII) announced its ongoing efforts to introduce a novel project that entails equipping vehicles in the country with two license plates—one for the front and another for the rear. This initiative aligns with the stipulations outlined in the Law on Transport, Land Mobility, and Road Safety.

In a meeting attended by a commission of deputies responsible for overseeing traffic law enforcement, Ariel Armando Medina, who heads the Department of Motor Vehicles at DGII, underscored the agency’s commitment to fortifying adherence to existing regulations. One of the pivotal strategies to bolster compliance with the law is the introduction of the dual license plate system, as mandated by the regulations.

This comprehensive project, projected to take effect by the close of 2024, encompasses various innovations. Notably, it includes the integration of radio frequency technology into license plates. This advancement will not only enhance the visibility of license plates but will also amplify security measures. Furthermore, it will provide a more comprehensive repository of information concerning the country’s vehicle fleet.

Ariel Armando Medina revealed that the development of this project involves close collaboration with the National Institute of Traffic and Land Transport (Intrant) and the General Directorate of Traffic Safety and Land Transport (Digesett).

The Human Rights Commission of the Chamber of Deputies pinpointed a recurring shortcoming in the enforcement of traffic laws—a lack of universal compliance. To address this concern, the legislative team has issued a mandate for the strict execution of traffic regulations across the board.

Juan Dionicio Restituyo, the head of the commission evaluating traffic law implementation, emphasized that the law’s provisions must apply uniformly to citizens across all socio-economic strata. Restituyo stressed that compliance should extend from middle-class citizens to those in higher socio-economic tiers.

A comprehensive review of the traffic law revealed that non-compliance contributes to a staggering toll: at least four thousand fatalities resulting from traffic accidents and over nine thousand injuries. Recognizing the urgency of addressing these concerns, Restituyo called for a comprehensive review of the law, potentially leading to modifications that could address the pressing issues at hand.

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August 23, 2023 7:25 am

Traffic accidents have nothing to do with one plate or two on a car…

Paul Tierney
August 24, 2023 10:12 am

All that two plates will do is double the chance of identifying a car that has broken the law. That in itself does not double the chance of authorities pursuing a lawbreaker. Behaviors will not change because of them.