Local August 24, 2023 | 2:37 pm

Jean Alain Rodríguez Appeals for Reversal of House Arrest

Santo Domingo.- Former Attorney General of the Republic, Jean Alain Rodríguez, took his case to the appellate court today, seeking to overturn the coercive measure placed upon him by the investigating court. The measure, which includes house arrest and the use of electronic monitoring devices, was imposed on him in connection with Operation Medusa.

Rodríguez’s legal team is requesting a modification of the measure to allow him to periodically present himself to the court instead. This would enable him to travel freely throughout the country without the need for an electronic tracking device.

The appeal is being considered by a panel of judges consisting of Luis Jiménez, Rosalba Garib, and Delio Germán, who serve on the Second Chamber of the Criminal Chamber of the Court of Appeals for the National District.

The initial measures of coercion, including house arrest, the use of an electronic monitoring device, and a 50 million pesos financial guarantee, were imposed by Judge Amauri Martínez of the Third Investigating Court of the National District. This court is responsible for overseeing the preliminary trial of Operation Medusa, a case in which Jean Alain Rodríguez is a key figure.

These measures replaced the previous preventive detention order that had been in effect against Rodríguez for 18 months prior to January. The Public Ministry alleges that Rodríguez, along with 40 other defendants and 22 companies, was involved in acts of administrative corruption that resulted in a fraud of over 6,000 million pesos to the State.

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Paul Tierney
August 25, 2023 10:40 am

Letting him out is putting the bull in the china shop. Bad idea !!!