Local September 12, 2023 | 8:37 am

Virginia Antares: “I will be on the 2024 ballot”

Santo Domingo.- Virginia Antares Rodríguez is the youngest presidential candidate for the 2024 elections in the Dominican Republic. She represents the Democratic Option (OD) party and is breaking barriers as a young woman who openly supports LGBTQ+ rights in a country with a politically sexist environment. Despite being part of an emerging party with limited resources, she is determined to continue her candidacy.

While there have been talks about potential alliances with other parties, Rodríguez reaffirms her commitment to running for the presidency in 2024. Her party has been in discussions with emerging parties like Frente Amplio for possible common candidacies.

Rodríguez plans to officially register her candidacy with the Central Electoral Board before the October deadline. She has been surprised by the level of enthusiasm and support her proposal has received.

Her party’s growth strategy includes spreading an alternative message and promoting candidacies at all levels, especially from individuals who are new to politics. They aim to attract young voters and those disillusioned with traditional political structures.

Rodríguez emphasizes the importance of inclusivity in politics and advocates for better representation of the LGBTQ+ community, women, and youth. She also highlights the need for educational reform, as it impacts various aspects of society, including democracy.

Her government program focuses on five fundamental pillars: education, environment, health, safety, and decent wages. Rodríguez is in favor of universal quality public education, reforming the Social Security law, and addressing issues like the decriminalization of abortion and marriage equality.

Virginia Antares Rodríguez represents a new generation of leaders challenging the status quo in the Dominican Republic’s political landscape.

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