Local September 28, 2023 | 10:48 am

A 4.2 magnitude earthquake is recorded in Monte Plata

Santo Domingo.- On Thursday morning, a magnitude 4.2 earthquake occurred with its epicenter located 2.4 kilometers east/northeast of Monte Plata, and its effects were felt in Greater Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic.

The National Seismology Center at the UASD (Autonomous University of Santo Domingo) reported that the earthquake took place at 8:04 a.m. local time and had a depth of 91.1 kilometers. While the tremor was felt across Greater Santo Domingo and the northeastern region of the country, it did not cause significant consequences.

Geologist Osiris de León noted that the epicenter of the earthquake was situated in the vicinity of Monte Plata and Bayaguana. He also mentioned that the Dominican Republic has 14 seismically active faults, with only two of them having the potential to generate more destructive earthquakes—the Atlantic Coast fault to the north of Puerto Plata and west of Montecristi, and the Enriquillo fault that passes through areas south of Santo Domingo, Barahona, Duvergé, and Jimaní. The tremors caused by interior faults are typically energy-release events and are considered part of normal seismic activity.

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christo negro
September 29, 2023 11:25 pm

Like I have warned you many times, NOBODY NEED mess with that MONASTERY or that whole island will SHAKE!