Local October 23, 2023 | 12:00 pm

Daniela Pineda, the pregnant woman who was reported missing, found

Santo Domingo. – The young pregnant Daniela Pineda, who was reported missing by her relatives, is already at home and will be evaluated by doctors.

Mrs. Cruz María Sánchez, Daniela’s mother, said that Daniela was found on the street by a young man who makes content on YouTube, who saw the news, notified the family, and took her home.

Doña Cruz María explained that physically, her daughter, who is 39 weeks pregnant, looks fine, but that she is disturbed since she spent days sleeping in the streets in the vicinity of the Robert Reid Cabral hospital, where she was found.

She thanked the media who published the information and the YouTuber “coro calle,” who called her and showed her a photograph. She indicated that her daughter refused to return home but that the young man convinced her and could take her to them at 11:00 p.m. on Sunday.

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