Health October 24, 2023 | 5:01 pm

Dengue fever control campaign impacts two million people

During the social mobilization carried out and organized by the Government over the weekend to eliminate breeding sites of mosquitoes that transmit dengue fever, 1,694,640 interventions were carried out involving 2 million 364,988 people. In addition, 40,109 breeding sites of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, the vector that transmits the disease, were eliminated, while 338,928 homes were sprayed. They intervened in 226 sectors throughout most of the national territory. During the operations in which the various institutions that make up the “Cabinet of Action against Dengue” intervened, 85,000 units of abate (larvicide) were applied to prevent larvae production in tanks and other containers used to store water for domestic use.

Likewise, 14 thousand hygiene kits containing mainly chlorine, sponges to smear the tanks, educational material, more than 15 thousand posters, and brochures, among others, were delivered. In the house-to-house visits, 112 thousand 976 homes were covered, and the fumigation actions were 478. This first stage consisted of two intervention actions with fumigation teams composed of trucks and motor pumps and a second one consisting of a broad vector control operation, elimination of breeding sites, and decacharrization (the discarding any pot or container where water can accumulate to prevent the spread of mosquitos).

The interventions were carried out in the sectors with the highest incidence in the National District, La Romana, San Pedro de Macorís, Barahona, Montecristi, San Cristóbal, Puerto Plata, Santiago, and Greater Santo Domingo. Some 27,375 men and women who form part of the different institutions that make up the COE, the entity responsible for the operational aspect, joined the work.

The call was successful and achieved an excellent response from the population involved in the dengue prevention tasks through neighborhood councils and other community entities and, together with the authorities, contributed to eliminating breeding sites. The aim is to prevent the disease through mosquito control and reduce transmission intensity during the current epidemic in the country.

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