Local October 30, 2023 | 8:18 am

Popular plants 2,500 trees in Sajoma

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Popular Bank recently hosted its third reforestation event of the year in the El Batey del Cebú community, located in the municipality of San José de las Matas in Santiago province.

This initiative, undertaken by the financial institution, aims to continue contributing to the expansion and restoration of forested areas, soil conservation, protection of watersheds, and the enhancement of the Dominican Republic’s carbon dioxide capture capacity. This event is a part of the Bank’s Sierra Plan and featured the active participation of 80 employees from Popular Volunteers. Together, they successfully planted 2,500 trees across 67 designated areas.

Following the planting efforts by Banco Popular volunteers, the Plan Sierra team of technicians assumes the responsibility of ensuring that the newly planted saplings take root and mature into fully grown trees. Once these trees reach maturity, they will significantly boost the forest coverage in the La Sierra region. Moreover, they are projected to capture a remarkable 800 tons of carbon dioxide annually, contribute to retaining 300,000 kilograms of soil, and store an impressive 7.5 million liters of water each year.

Dinorah Grullón, the manager of the Projects Division and the leader of Popular Volunteers, highlighted the substantial contribution made by thousands of Popular volunteer collaborators over the past two decades. Their efforts have surpassed a significant milestone, as they have successfully planted over one million trees in various regions across the country. Grullón emphasized the critical role that La Sierra plays as a vital green lung for the sustainability of the territory. It serves as a crucial water source for both human consumption and industrial use, benefiting nearly 20% of the country’s population and meeting 60% of the national energy demand.

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