Local November 9, 2023 | 8:07 am

Security, high cost of living and unemployment, main problems of the Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo.- According to the Gallup-RCCMedia survey, the Dominican Republic faces three main problems today:

  1. Citizen Security: 62.6% of respondents identified issues related to robberies, assaults, gangs, and overall crime as the primary concern.
  2.  High Cost of Living: Inflation and the rising cost of living are a significant concern, with 61.2% of respondents mentioning it as the second most important problem.
  3. Unemployment: The shortage of job opportunities is another major issue, with 19.5% of respondents ranking it as the third most significant problem.

The survey also revealed other concerns, including health (15.3%), the economy (10.3%), blackouts or lack of energy (10.0%), education (10.0%), the situation on the border with the Masacre River (8.5%), Haitian migration (6.9%), the lack of drinking water (5.3%), administrative corruption (4.0%), and garbage (3.5%).

Regarding the perception of how things are going in the Dominican Republic:
– 52.0% believe that things are going in the wrong direction.
– 38.2% think the country is on the right path.
– 7.9% believe it’s neither the right nor the wrong path.
– 1.9% don’t know.

Regarding the national economic situation:
– 46.9% consider it bad.
– 18.6% see it as average.
– 17.3% view it as very bad.
– 15.5% think it’s good.
– 1.4% see it as very good.

When asked about the best achievements of President Luis Abinader’s government:
– 28.9% did not know or did not respond.
– 11.5% mentioned economic stability.
– 9.5% said “nothing.”
– 7.7% appreciated social aid through cards.
– 7.6% highlighted the tough stance against corruption.
– 7.2% valued work in education.
– 6.7% supported closing the border.

Regarding personal finances:
– 41.3% said their personal finances are bad.
– 27.5% considered them good.
– 23.0% rated them as average.
– 6.1% viewed them as very bad.
– 1.8% saw them as very good.

The top problem affecting the families of those surveyed:
– 41.6% cited inflation and the rising cost of living.
– 21.7% mentioned robberies, assaults, gangs, and crime.
– 5.5% highlighted the lack of job opportunities (unemployment).

The survey also addressed issues related to corruption in the government, the situation on the border with Haiti, and the perception of Haitians violating established rights and agreements in the Masacre River conflict.

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November 10, 2023 7:03 am
