Local November 25, 2023 | 10:05 am

Businesses report increase in sales for “Black Friday”

Employees and managers described excellent and very active sales for Black Friday and “Black Friday” in stores and shopping malls in the country, with the most demanded products being household appliances and electronic equipment, which had sales of 70% to 15%.

On Duarte Avenue, one of the leading commercial areas of the capital and surrounding streets, after 8:00 p.m., the bustle of people was still going on, some with large bags and covers moving from one place to another in search of Black Friday offers, a tradition in the United States, which symbolizes the arrival of Christmas shopping.

The flow was also observed in recognized commercial plazas and department stores, among these Galería 360, Plaza Central, Acrópolis, Tienda Corripio, Multicentro La Sirena, Plaza Lama, Casa Cuesta, Jumbo, Agora Mall, Sambil, Almacenes Garrido, Price Smart and Blue Mall; Tienda La Paloma, La Akoya, Plaza Vego, Vestir de Hoy and others.

Entire families could be seen coming in and out of the stores, many happy with packages with children and teenagers, although some minors did not buy what they wanted.

The fast food, candy, and ice cream outlets also made a splash in November with their offers.

Iván Sánchez, manager of the Corripio Store on John F. Kennedy Avenue, which opened yesterday at 7:00 a.m. and closed at noon, said that the offers would continue, with the best-selling items being refrigerators, stoves, televisions, and electronics.

“Excellent sales have been excellent. We have the additional offer and another discount paying with the card ….” said the executive.

Robert Fernández of the Garrido store on Duarte Avenue said that the flow of people yesterday was good and added that the specials will continue during the week.

Antonio García of the La Paloma store on Duarte Avenue highlighted their merchandise’s attractive and reasonable prices.

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