Local November 25, 2023 | 1:55 pm

Dominican Republic takes Haiti problem to France

Santo Domingo—The mission formed by the Dominican government with party leaders has held a series of meetings with legislators, academics, and French authorities in Paris, where they have discussed the problems faced by the Dominican Republic with the Haitian crisis and its effects on the border.

The delegation was composed of Andrés Lugo Risk, administrative vice minister of the presidency; José Julio Gómez, vice minister of foreign affairs; the former minister of energy and mines, Pelegrín Castillo, president of the National Progressive Force; and the president of the Frente Amplio, congressman Juan Dionicio Rodríguez.

They have developed an agenda of meetings with the deputies of the French National Assembly, Eléonore Caroit, representative of Latin America and the Caribbean; Mickael Cosson, president of the France-DR Friendship Group; and legislator Frantz Gumbs with Senators Jean Pierre Bansard and Evelyne Renaud-Garabedian, representatives of the French abroad.

At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with Michelle Ramis, director for the Americas and the Caribbean; Frédéric De Touchet, head of mission for Mexico-CA-Caribbean; and Sébastien Dorhdain, head of mission At the Ministry of Defense, with General Ludovic Poitou, deputy head of international affairs, and Colonel Cirylle Crisnaire, Latin America.

Also, with the board of directors of the International Organization of La Francophonie, headed by its secretary general, Louise Mushikiwab. In addition, with the president of the Institute of the Americas, Françoise Moulin, and Professor Carlos Quenan, vice-president.

In the various meetings, the national pact for formulating public policies that will allow our country to adequately manage the negative impact of the Haitian situation in the economic, migratory, border control, bilateral relations, and national security areas was presented. The agreement was signed at the National Palace by 28 political parties and a score of academics and intellectuals, including university rectors.

Another point addressed was the issue of violations of border treaties due to the illegal construction, technically unfeasible and highly detrimental to the environment and agriculture in the area, of the channel for the diversion of the waters of the Dajabón River by Haitian individuals. As well as the support of the Dominican government to the request of Prime Minister Ariel Henry for the deployment of a multinational mission to support the security of Haiti.

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November 25, 2023 3:54 pm

It’s about time that Haiti’s former colonial masters started taking some responsibility for the FAILED state that they created. The French need to pay Haiti some reparations.

Last edited 8 months ago by DCamp21
November 25, 2023 8:37 pm
Reply to  DCamp21

they paid in blood …over 5k. women children and elderly were massacred …historical fact …

Last edited 8 months ago by Fundador
December 3, 2023 8:42 pm
Reply to  Fundador

Dominicans always blamed Haiti for killing slave masters, Dominicans rejoiced with Spain catholic church (Isabela la Catholica) killing 2 to 6 millions Taino’s and Dominicans always displayed prides with the murders of over 100 millions of Africans during the trans Atlantic slave trades by Europeans. Are the proud Europeans Dominicans done building a villa for racist Ukrainians refugees?

December 4, 2023 1:37 pm
Reply to  Fundador

it’s crazy how y’all demonize Haiti for fighting the injustices of what the French did to them. Do you know how many Haitian children and elderly were massacred by the French or tortured and forced to work till death? The French didn’t even see black people as human beings For nearly a decade in the late 18th century, Haiti accounted for more than one-third of the entire Atlantic slave trade. Conditions for these men, women, and children were atrocious; the average life expectancy for a slave in Haiti was 21 years old. Slavery in Haiti officially lasted from 1503 to 1804. Yes, whites were killed, but not all, so please read Haitian history before spill your ignorance about what happened in Haiti.

November 27, 2023 8:43 am

France does not care about Haiti…after all the Haitian revolution kicked them out…

Dave Lopes
November 30, 2023 3:29 am

France is being kicked out of several african countries. Haitians as an african people also do not want any french involvement in their affairs.

December 4, 2023 1:27 pm

I’m confused about why this group of Dominicans dares to speak for Haitians. If we are such a failed state, close your borders. Allow us to fail on our side. The constant Dominican media coverage about what is going on in Haiti is crazy. Most Dominicans see Haiti as an enemy, and yet you speak for us. Haitian people wake up; these Dominicans will do anything to keep you down. Fight for your country and seek relations with other countries that value and respect you. No justice, no peace! L’Union Fait la Force 

December 5, 2023 10:53 am
Reply to  Ricardo

We speak for Haiti because half your country is in the Dominican republic. And as soon we kick you out. Haitians start crying about racism to the USA the European union and the UN . to hurt our economy.

December 5, 2023 5:09 pm
Reply to  Cristobal

You are full of it kick out the over 2 million Dominicans in the United States. Until then please stfu thank you respectfully