Local December 30, 2023 | 12:00 pm

Digesett retained 580 motorcycles and 68 vehicles during operation

Santo Domingo, DR—The General Directorate of Traffic Safety and Land Transportation (Digesett) gave the balance of the arrests on Thursday night during an operation in various zones of Greater Santo Domingo and the country.

The operation was aimed at preventing the transit of vehicles traveling on public roads without front and rear lights, as well as motorcyclists driving without protective helmets or their documents.

A total of 1,268 drivers were inspected, while 580 motorcycles and 68 vehicles were intervened for non-compliance with different regulations outlined in Law 63-17 of Mobility, Land Transportation, Transit and Road Safety of the Dominican Republic.

Different avenues in the National District were intervened, such as Winston Churchill and 27 de Febrero, Abraham Lincoln / John F. Kennedy, Máximo Gómez / George Washington, Josefa Brea / 27 de Febrero, Máximo Gómez / John F. Kennedy and Puente Flotante, to reduce traffic accidents.

They were also carried out in Santiago, Moca, Valverde, Mao, Bonao, Baní, San Cristóbal, and El Seibo.

General Francisco Osoria de la Cruz, director of Digesett, emphasizes to the population the great importance of due compliance with traffic laws to avoid risk on public roads.

“Controls and operations will continue throughout the year, as a preventive measure and to avoid irresponsible actions that may generate traffic accidents,” he emphasized.

Digesett calls on the population to consider these preventive measures and act responsibly to ensure a safe coexistence on public roads and significantly reduce accidents to save lives.

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December 30, 2023 12:13 pm

Chop, melt and turn into garbage cans to clean up the river, streams and streets . Merry christmas.

December 30, 2023 6:57 pm

Over here in BANI and yes the police had checkpoints…normal trip from Bani to San Cristobal is around 30 mins give or take, but with the checkpoints was 1.5 hours and was funny watching the motor try escaping the police………….

Senor Hemp
December 30, 2023 10:22 pm

This is long overdue. The moto’s, who drive dangerously to begin with, without lights at night repesent a clear and present danger to evertyone includiong themselves.

December 30, 2023 10:23 pm

These are mostly poor people who depend on these bikes and cars to earn living ,taking that from them can cause more problems than “good”…we all know they can’t afford insurance, repairs ….
This problem is far deeper ,rooted beyond comprehension…
There is solution ,but no one wants to work to fix broken ,they just want to show force over those most needy ones …