Local January 5, 2024 | 10:12 am

US Senator Marco Rubio commends Dominican President Luis Abinader’s anti-drug efforts

Santo Domingo.- United States Senator Marco Rubio, a Republican, has publicly commended President Luis Abinader of the Dominican Republic for his dedication to combating drug trafficking in the region. In a post on his Instagram account, Rubio expressed his admiration for President Abinader’s efforts and expressed hope for continued collaboration between the United States and the Dominican Republic.

The commendation by Senator Rubio echoes a recent acknowledgment by the US Embassy in the Dominican Republic. In December 2023, the Embassy congratulated the Dominican authorities, particularly the National Drug Control Directorate (DNCD), for their significant achievement in seizing over 23 metric tons of various narcotics during the year.

The Embassy’s Twitter post highlighted this accomplishment as a consistent effort, noting that Dominican authorities have successfully seized more than 23 metric tons of illicit narcotics for three consecutive years. This sustained success in drug seizures underlines the ongoing commitment of the Dominican Republic to address and curb drug trafficking effectively.

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January 5, 2024 11:10 am

Meanwhile the US continues to be the biggest consumer of drugs…jjj

Jonathan Grace
January 7, 2024 7:13 pm

This is good work. However what about protecting the Dominican victims of crack houses that operate in the shadows of Dominican police stations ? A good friend recently died from overdose in San Carlos market crack house. Everyone knows it operates under the eyes of the police station two blocks away. I personally witnessed two policemen entering it for 10 minutes or so. They came out smiling and shook hands with nearby vendors. My friend was 28 years of age. He was addicted to crack. Despite being obviously sick, the dealers continued to sell to him. Now he is dead. Everyday there are new customers that enter that crack house. And the National Police station two blocks away does nothing.

Last edited 6 months ago by Jonathan Grace