Local January 28, 2024 | 7:00 am

Crisis in Haiti: fear of social unrest affecting the Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo–Dominican members of Congress have expressed their concern for the severe crisis that Haiti is going through, especially after the Kenyan justice rejected the sending of a stabilization mission, which was already voted on and approved by the UN Security Council last year.

In this sense, they are concerned that this could worsen the situation in the neighboring country and cause a social explosion with repercussions for the Dominican Republic and the region, so they consider it necessary for the international community to seek a solution.

In this sense, the deputy for the Fuerza del Pueblo, Hamlet Melo, considers that the position of the Dominican authorities to continue to raise their voice before the UN Security Council, as happened this week, is correct. However, he understands this is not enough to alleviate the threat of the crisis for this side of the border.

“I think that the Haitian issue is a vital issue that must be worked on because, at any moment, there will be a social outburst, which will have repercussions in the Dominican Republic,” said Melo.

“The Dominican State has to safeguard its border and move on from plans, petitions, so many offers, and move on to what would be the facts, because Haiti can’t take any more,” said the congressman.

But for the official senator Santiago Zorrilla, it is necessary to continue creating awareness about the danger that Haiti is going through before international organizations, hoping that they can understand the seriousness of the Haitian reality at any moment.

Santiago Zorrilla understands that, at some point, the international community will understand the threat posed by the crisis in Haiti.

“We are sure that the moment will come when they will understand and those who are going to help with this, we will manage to bring peace to our Haitian brothers”, assured Zorrilla about the position adopted by the international community.

But while the aid arrives in Port-au-Prince, kidnappings, crime, and the humanitarian crisis have increased considerably in the country before the indifferent gaze of the great powers that have offered support without execution so far.

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Ramon Garcia
January 28, 2024 8:46 am

The Haitian eternal crisis has always been a threat to DR.

My Name Is Not Important
January 28, 2024 5:30 pm

Just invade Haiti and bring peace there, the UN won’t do a thing to bring Haiti to peace.

January 28, 2024 7:24 pm

Nothing can be done until the Haitians want peace.

January 30, 2024 2:24 pm

Let’s be realistic, not even the US or Canada want to carry out an invasion of Haiti. So what makes you think the DR wants to take on such a messy and risky endeavor?

Luis Grullon
January 29, 2024 11:34 pm

Haiti is not a problem for Dr, we have a army nig enough to handle the problem. The only thing that gets in the way is human rights. Take that off the equation. We are secure

February 1, 2024 7:47 am

Amidst Haiti’s challenges, there’s a growing demand for change and resilience on the ground. Concerns are raised about the Western media’s portrayal, emphasizing the need for a deeper understanding of Haiti’s complex issues.The current government, led by an individual allegedly associated with a gang, particularly Ariel Hannibal, is accused of exploiting gang violence post the assassination of ex-president Jovenel Moïse.A solution is proposed, entrusting Haitians with decision-making power through an ongoing revolution. Guy Philippe, a unifying figure, is mentioned as crucial for internal stability. The strategy involves providing essential equipment, particularly in military technology, to combat gang influence without external intervention.Cooperation and support are sought, learning from the historical challenges of foreign interventions. The focus is on equipping Haitians with tools for self-determination and development. Technical military support, advanced technology, and addressing border issues with the Dominican Republic are key components.BSAP, a positive army group supportive of Haiti, is suggested for securing the border, replacing current forces associated with the Ariel gang. The revolution is seen as an opportunity to re-establish the death sentence for corruption and gangs, essential for economic recovery.In essence, the vision for Haiti’s future involves hands-on efforts during the ongoing revolution, aiming for results within the next five years. The interconnected nature of security, stability, and economic recovery is emphasized, with specific focus on border protection, the death sentence for corruption and kidnapping, technical and military assistance, all without foreign intervention.

February 11, 2024 8:54 am

The current administration in Haiti faces widespread condemnation for its corruption and lack of legitimacy, often drawing comparisons to a criminal enterprise rather than a lawful governing body. Given this precarious situation, Western media outlets must exercise caution and verify information before reporting on Haiti’s governance, as spreading misinformation could worsen the volatile environment. Therefore, media organizations must conduct thorough research and fact-checking before disseminating information regarding Haiti’s political landscape.

The majority of Haitians strongly oppose this administration, accusing it of colluding with gangs to maintain power and perpetuate instability in the country. However, Haiti boasts a significant population of capable young men willing and able to defend themselves and their country without relying on the intervention of international forces. The ongoing revolution aims to dismantle this corrupt regime and replace it with a leadership perceived as legitimate and accountable to the people.

Recent events, such as the attempted assassination of influential leader Guy Philippe by the Ariel government, have further highlighted the regime’s brutality and disregard for human life. The tragic loss of seven BSAP agents in this incident serves as a grim reminder of the government’s readiness to resort to violence to retain power.

Despite constitutional protections for peaceful protests, the police force, widely seen as serving the interests of the ruling regime, has been accused of violently suppressing dissent while turning a blind eye to gang activities. Ariel’s refusal to step down from power after the expiration of his mandate on February 7, 2024, only adds to concerns about his dictatorial tendencies.

Many Haitians see the United States’s support for the current regime as a betrayal of their democratic aspirations and exacerbate the political turmoil gripping the country. Therefore, the international community must stand in solidarity with the Haitian people as they strive for a government that represents their interests and is accountable to them.