Local February 1, 2024 | 4:13 pm

Intrant sanctions buggy company in fatal accident case

Santo Domingo.- The National Institute of Traffic and Land Transportation (Intrant) has levied a fine of 200 thousand pesos against Caribean Buggy, the company involved in a traffic accident that resulted in the loss of life during a journey from Playa Macao to Cueva Taina in the province of La Altagracia on January 21.

This penalty is the most severe established by Law 63-17 of Mobility, Land Transportation, Transit, and Road Safety in the Dominican Republic, as outlined in Article 325. The article mandates fines ranging from ten (10) to twenty (20) times the prevailing minimum wages in the centralized public sector. Additionally, it may incur civil and criminal sanctions as applicable.

Intrant conducted site inspections and collaborated with the Public Ministry for necessary sanctions immediately after the accident.

The National Emergency and Security Assistance System 9-1-1 provided assistance to those involved, following the accident report call and adhering to the prescribed action protocol for such cases.

The 911 System coordinated the aid by mobilizing an ambulance from the Directorate of Out-of-Hospital Emergency Services (DAEH), a unit from the General Directorate of Traffic and Transportation Security (DIGESETT), and one from the National Police.

Article 325 of Law 63-17 outlines sanctions, including the performance of services contrary to authorized Intrant and city council modalities, unauthorized vehicle or driving personnel use, and violations of rules regarding vehicles, dealership personnel, and driving. Specifically, it addresses the lack of measures adopted by dealership personnel to ensure service safety, among other infractions.

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Paul Tierney
February 1, 2024 10:08 pm

The fine is about US$3,400. A cost for the buggies run from $35 to $125. The intermediate price of US$ 85 is popular.

Two or three excursions of 30 buggies each a day at $85 can earn US$ 2,500 to US$ 7,600.

The fine is a slap on the wrist.

May 17, 2024 11:09 pm

Intrant conducted site inspections and collaborated with the Public Ministry for necessary sanctions immediately after the accident. Bullshit intrant doesn’t know what an international approved safety seat belt is, a lot of buggys are equipped with home made seat belts from bedstraps with plastic buckles, or with home made buckles, 4 point home made seat belts that incase of an accident do more arm than good, homemade welded buggys. with 110v home fuses in a 12v electric system, with a start/stop switch in the back of the vehicle ,in case the driver have to switch of the cart he cannot do this, people have been killed, because the throttle cable got stock, has does vehicles drive true mud and sand all they long this can happen. intrant isn’t prepared and doesn’t know shit what they are doing, seats that cannot be adjusted for the drivers, no rear view mirrors, everything is possible