Local February 12, 2024 | 9:17 am

Fenattransc announces halt during ‘peak hours’ in response to traffic congestion

Santo Domingo.- The National Federation of Christian Social Transport Workers (Fenattransc) has declared that union-affiliated transporters will refrain from working during “peak hours” in Greater Santo Domingo due to severe traffic congestion.

Mario Díaz, the general secretary of Fenattransc, explained that the decision aims to address the operational and administrative economic challenges caused by prolonged traffic jams. He emphasized that providing transportation services during peak hours leads to increased fuel expenses, making operations more costly.

Díaz urged the government, specifically through the National Institute of Transit and Land Transportation (Intrant), to implement effective measures to alleviate the situation. He highlighted the need to address issues such as the lack of synchronization, replacement, and repair of the traffic light network, which contributes to traffic problems.

In a statement, Díaz pointed out the uncontrolled presence of vehicles with mechanical defects and scrap metal on public roads, contributing to accidents. He demanded a prudent schedule for the circulation of waste collection trucks and heavy vehicles, emphasizing the need for a technical vehicle inspection to remove defective vehicles from circulation.

Fenattransc has developed a pilot plan to eliminate barriers in affected areas and proposed presenting it to the government through a dialogue table led by President Luis Abinader. The plan aims to control and eliminate traffic congestion in Greater Santo Domingo by implementing the technical vehicle inspection established in Law 63-17.

While acknowledging the economic compensation provided by President Abinader’s government for fuel consumption, Díaz stressed that additional fuel costs still place the sector in a deficit situation. The union looks to collaborate with the government in finding sustainable solutions to the traffic issues plaguing the region.

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