Local February 22, 2024 | 2:04 pm

CNCS and CAID join forces for responsible technology use

Santo Domingo.- The National Cybersecurity Center (CNCS) and the Center for Comprehensive Care for Disability (CAID) have entered into a collaborative agreement aimed at promoting the responsible use of information technologies. The agreement, signed on Friday, also facilitates the exchange of information concerning events that pose threats to national cybersecurity, with a commitment to preserving the confidentiality of shared data.

The document outlines criteria for defining confidential information, highlighting exceptions recognized as public under the General Law of Free Access to Public Information. The CNCS’s specific goal is to enhance the cybersecurity measures of state institutions in terms of structures, training, standards, and guidelines.

The inter-institutional agreement involves the implementation of a training and academic program, fostering discussions, sharing experiences, and disseminating educational material to raise public awareness about cybersecurity. Juan Gabriel Gautreaux Martínez, the Executive Director of the CNCS, emphasized the commitment to providing support for cybersecurity measures at various levels.

Father Jorge William Hernández, President of the CAID Board of Directors, commended the significance of the collaborative effort and reiterated the institution’s dedication to public policies that enhance societal quality and citizen relationships. The signing ceremony occurred at the CAID headquarters in Santo Domingo Oeste.

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